- Voltloop CanadaHome
- Batteries
- Flooded Lead Acid Battery
- +++1.2v battery+++1.5v battery+++10ah+++12v battery+++140ah+++156ah+++220ah+++24v battery+++2v battery+++36v battery+++3v battery+++48v battery+++6v battery+++8v battery+++9v battery+++aerial work platform / scissor lift battery+++agm battery+++alarm system battery+++alkaline battery+++ap automotive post+++atv battery+++backup power battery+++battery+++car battery+++coin cell battery+++coppertop battery+++cyclon+++deep cycle battery+++deep cycle marine+++dt automotive post & stud+++dual purpose starting & deep cycle marine+++dual terminal - automotive post & side+++duracell+++dwnt dual wingnut terminal+++ehpt embedded high profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile termnal+++emergency lighting battery+++enersys+++eutr+++f2+++flag+++flag terminal+++flooded lead acid battery+++forklift battery+++full throttle+++fullriver+++garden tractor terminal+++gel battery+++golf cart batteries+++gp batteries+++group 1+++group 101+++group 121r+++group 124r+++group 140r+++group 151r+++group 2+++group 22nf+++group 24+++group 24f+++group 25+++group 26+++group 26r+++group 27+++group 27f+++group 30h+++group 31+++group 31a+++group 34+++group 34r+++group 35+++group 36r+++group 3ee+++group 3eh+++group 4+++group 40r+++group 41+++group 42+++group 47+++group 48+++group 49+++group 4d+++group 4dlt+++group 51+++group 51r+++group 58+++group 58r+++group 59+++group 65+++group 6tl+++group 70+++group 75+++group 78+++group 85+++group 86+++group 8d+++group 90+++group 901+++group 902+++group 903+++group 91+++group 92+++group 921+++group 93+++group 94r+++group 95r+++group 96r+++group 99r+++group dim+++group din+++group gc12+++group gc2+++group gc2h+++group gc8+++group gc8h+++group j185+++group j305+++group u1+++group u1r+++heavy duty commercial battery+++j250+++jis pencil post+++l16+++lawn & garden+++lawn & garden battery+++lithium battery+++lt l-terminal+++m10+++m4+++m5+++m6+++m8+++magnacharge+++magnacharge-order+++magnasport+++magnasport advanced performance agm series+++magnasport advanced performance factory activated agm+++magnasport conventional flooded+++magnasport mtx series+++magnasport premium flooded+++magnavolt battery+++marine battery+++marine twin - automotive post & stud+++maxell+++medical device battery+++mobility scooter battery+++motorcycle battery+++mtx series+++noco battery+++noco power sport+++odyssey+++personal water craft battery+++power sport battery+++power wheel chair battery+++rechargeable battery+++relion+++rv battery+++scrubber / floor machine battery+++sealed lead acid (sla) battery+++side terminal+++slt small l-terminal+++snowmobile battery+++solar battery+++st stud terminal+++starting power battery+++t1+++t11+++t12+++t14+++t2+++t3+++t3/t12+++t5+++t5/t6/t12+++t6+++t6/t12+++t6/t14+++t6/t9/t14+++t8+++t8/t11+++t9+++tab-sla-backup+++trojan aes deep cycle agm+++trojan aes solar deep cycle agm+++trojan battery+++trojan battery motive agm series+++ups battery+++ut universal terminal+++utv battery+++wire leads+++wnt wingnut terminal+++
- Car Battery
- Starting Power Battery
- Deep Cycle Battery
- Heavy Duty Commercial Battery
- Marine Battery
- Dual Purpose Starting & Deep Cycle Marine
- Deep Cycle Marine
- RV Battery
- Golf Cart Batteries
- Scrubber / Floor Machine Battery
- Solar Battery
- Power Sport Battery
- Motorcycle Battery
- ATV Battery
- UTV Battery
- Personal Water Craft Battery
- Snowmobile Battery
- Mobility Scooter Battery
- Power Wheel Chair Battery
- UPS Battery
- Backup Power Battery
- Emergency Lighting Battery
- Alarm System Battery
- Medical Device Battery
- Aerial Work Platform / Scissor Lift Battery
- Lawn & Garden Battery
- +++1.2v battery+++1.5v battery+++10ah+++12v battery+++140ah+++156ah+++220ah+++24v battery+++2v battery+++36v battery+++3v battery+++48v battery+++6v battery+++8v battery+++9v battery+++aerial work platform / scissor lift battery+++agm battery+++alarm system battery+++alkaline battery+++ap automotive post+++atv battery+++backup power battery+++battery+++car battery+++coin cell battery+++coppertop battery+++cyclon+++deep cycle battery+++deep cycle marine+++dt automotive post & stud+++dual purpose starting & deep cycle marine+++dual terminal - automotive post & side+++duracell+++dwnt dual wingnut terminal+++ehpt embedded high profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile termnal+++emergency lighting battery+++enersys+++eutr+++f2+++flag+++flag terminal+++flooded lead acid battery+++forklift battery+++full throttle+++fullriver+++garden tractor terminal+++gel battery+++golf cart batteries+++gp batteries+++group 1+++group 101+++group 121r+++group 124r+++group 140r+++group 151r+++group 2+++group 22nf+++group 24+++group 24f+++group 25+++group 26+++group 26r+++group 27+++group 27f+++group 30h+++group 31+++group 31a+++group 34+++group 34r+++group 35+++group 36r+++group 3ee+++group 3eh+++group 4+++group 40r+++group 41+++group 42+++group 47+++group 48+++group 49+++group 4d+++group 4dlt+++group 51+++group 51r+++group 58+++group 58r+++group 59+++group 65+++group 6tl+++group 70+++group 75+++group 78+++group 85+++group 86+++group 8d+++group 90+++group 901+++group 902+++group 903+++group 91+++group 92+++group 921+++group 93+++group 94r+++group 95r+++group 96r+++group 99r+++group dim+++group din+++group gc12+++group gc2+++group gc2h+++group gc8+++group gc8h+++group j185+++group j305+++group u1+++group u1r+++heavy duty commercial battery+++j250+++jis pencil post+++l16+++lawn & garden+++lawn & garden battery+++lithium battery+++lt l-terminal+++m10+++m4+++m5+++m6+++m8+++magnacharge+++magnacharge-order+++magnasport+++magnasport advanced performance agm series+++magnasport advanced performance factory activated agm+++magnasport conventional flooded+++magnasport mtx series+++magnasport premium flooded+++magnavolt battery+++marine battery+++marine twin - automotive post & stud+++maxell+++medical device battery+++mobility scooter battery+++motorcycle battery+++mtx series+++noco battery+++noco power sport+++odyssey+++personal water craft battery+++power sport battery+++power wheel chair battery+++rechargeable battery+++relion+++rv battery+++scrubber / floor machine battery+++sealed lead acid (sla) battery+++side terminal+++slt small l-terminal+++snowmobile battery+++solar battery+++st stud terminal+++starting power battery+++t1+++t11+++t12+++t14+++t2+++t3+++t3/t12+++t5+++t5/t6/t12+++t6+++t6/t12+++t6/t14+++t6/t9/t14+++t8+++t8/t11+++t9+++tab-sla-backup+++trojan aes deep cycle agm+++trojan aes solar deep cycle agm+++trojan battery+++trojan battery motive agm series+++ups battery+++ut universal terminal+++utv battery+++wire leads+++wnt wingnut terminal+++
- Group DIN
- Group DIM
- Group 1
- Group 2
- Group 3EE
- Group 3EH
- Group 4
- Group 4D
- Group 4DLT
- Group 6TL
- Group 8D
- Group 22NF
- Group 24
- Group 24F
- Group 25
- Group 26
- Group 26R
- Group 27
- Group 27F
- Group 30H
- Group 31
- Group 31A
- Group 34
- Group 34R
- Group 35
- Group 36R
- Group 40R
- Group 41
- Group 42
- Group 47
- Group 48
- Group 49
- Group 51
- Group 51R
- Group 58
- Group 58R
- Group 59
- Group 65
- Group 70
- Group 75
- Group 78
- Group 85
- Group 86
- Group 90
- Group 91
- Group 92
- Group 93
- Group 94R
- Group 95R
- Group 96R
- Group 99R
- Group 101
- Group 121R
- Group 124R
- Group 140R
- Group 151R
- Group J185
- Group J305
- Group 901
- Group 902
- Group 903
- Group 921
- Group GC12
- Group GC2
- Group GC2H
- Group GC8
- Group GC8H
- Group U1
- Group U1R
- +++1.2v battery+++1.5v battery+++10ah+++12v battery+++140ah+++156ah+++220ah+++24v battery+++2v battery+++36v battery+++3v battery+++48v battery+++6v battery+++8v battery+++9v battery+++aerial work platform / scissor lift battery+++agm battery+++alarm system battery+++alkaline battery+++ap automotive post+++atv battery+++backup power battery+++battery+++car battery+++coin cell battery+++coppertop battery+++cyclon+++deep cycle battery+++deep cycle marine+++dt automotive post & stud+++dual purpose starting & deep cycle marine+++dual terminal - automotive post & side+++duracell+++dwnt dual wingnut terminal+++ehpt embedded high profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile termnal+++emergency lighting battery+++enersys+++eutr+++f2+++flag+++flag terminal+++flooded lead acid battery+++forklift battery+++full throttle+++fullriver+++garden tractor terminal+++gel battery+++golf cart batteries+++gp batteries+++group 1+++group 101+++group 121r+++group 124r+++group 140r+++group 151r+++group 2+++group 22nf+++group 24+++group 24f+++group 25+++group 26+++group 26r+++group 27+++group 27f+++group 30h+++group 31+++group 31a+++group 34+++group 34r+++group 35+++group 36r+++group 3ee+++group 3eh+++group 4+++group 40r+++group 41+++group 42+++group 47+++group 48+++group 49+++group 4d+++group 4dlt+++group 51+++group 51r+++group 58+++group 58r+++group 59+++group 65+++group 6tl+++group 70+++group 75+++group 78+++group 85+++group 86+++group 8d+++group 90+++group 901+++group 902+++group 903+++group 91+++group 92+++group 921+++group 93+++group 94r+++group 95r+++group 96r+++group 99r+++group dim+++group din+++group gc12+++group gc2+++group gc2h+++group gc8+++group gc8h+++group j185+++group j305+++group u1+++group u1r+++heavy duty commercial battery+++j250+++jis pencil post+++l16+++lawn & garden+++lawn & garden battery+++lithium battery+++lt l-terminal+++m10+++m4+++m5+++m6+++m8+++magnacharge+++magnacharge-order+++magnasport+++magnasport advanced performance agm series+++magnasport advanced performance factory activated agm+++magnasport conventional flooded+++magnasport mtx series+++magnasport premium flooded+++magnavolt battery+++marine battery+++marine twin - automotive post & stud+++maxell+++medical device battery+++mobility scooter battery+++motorcycle battery+++mtx series+++noco battery+++noco power sport+++odyssey+++personal water craft battery+++power sport battery+++power wheel chair battery+++rechargeable battery+++relion+++rv battery+++scrubber / floor machine battery+++sealed lead acid (sla) battery+++side terminal+++slt small l-terminal+++snowmobile battery+++solar battery+++st stud terminal+++starting power battery+++t1+++t11+++t12+++t14+++t2+++t3+++t3/t12+++t5+++t5/t6/t12+++t6+++t6/t12+++t6/t14+++t6/t9/t14+++t8+++t8/t11+++t9+++tab-sla-backup+++trojan aes deep cycle agm+++trojan aes solar deep cycle agm+++trojan battery+++trojan battery motive agm series+++ups battery+++ut universal terminal+++utv battery+++wire leads+++wnt wingnut terminal+++
- 2V Battery
- 3V Battery
- 6V Battery
- 8V Battery
- 9V Battery
- 12V Battery
- 24V Battery
- 36V Battery
- 48V Battery
- +++1.2v battery+++1.5v battery+++10ah+++12v battery+++140ah+++156ah+++220ah+++24v battery+++2v battery+++36v battery+++3v battery+++48v battery+++6v battery+++8v battery+++9v battery+++aerial work platform / scissor lift battery+++agm battery+++alarm system battery+++alkaline battery+++ap automotive post+++atv battery+++backup power battery+++battery+++car battery+++coin cell battery+++coppertop battery+++cyclon+++deep cycle battery+++deep cycle marine+++dt automotive post & stud+++dual purpose starting & deep cycle marine+++dual terminal - automotive post & side+++duracell+++dwnt dual wingnut terminal+++ehpt embedded high profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile termnal+++emergency lighting battery+++enersys+++eutr+++f2+++flag+++flag terminal+++flooded lead acid battery+++forklift battery+++full throttle+++fullriver+++garden tractor terminal+++gel battery+++golf cart batteries+++gp batteries+++group 1+++group 101+++group 121r+++group 124r+++group 140r+++group 151r+++group 2+++group 22nf+++group 24+++group 24f+++group 25+++group 26+++group 26r+++group 27+++group 27f+++group 30h+++group 31+++group 31a+++group 34+++group 34r+++group 35+++group 36r+++group 3ee+++group 3eh+++group 4+++group 40r+++group 41+++group 42+++group 47+++group 48+++group 49+++group 4d+++group 4dlt+++group 51+++group 51r+++group 58+++group 58r+++group 59+++group 65+++group 6tl+++group 70+++group 75+++group 78+++group 85+++group 86+++group 8d+++group 90+++group 901+++group 902+++group 903+++group 91+++group 92+++group 921+++group 93+++group 94r+++group 95r+++group 96r+++group 99r+++group dim+++group din+++group gc12+++group gc2+++group gc2h+++group gc8+++group gc8h+++group j185+++group j305+++group u1+++group u1r+++heavy duty commercial battery+++j250+++jis pencil post+++l16+++lawn & garden+++lawn & garden battery+++lithium battery+++lt l-terminal+++m10+++m4+++m5+++m6+++m8+++magnacharge+++magnacharge-order+++magnasport+++magnasport advanced performance agm series+++magnasport advanced performance factory activated agm+++magnasport conventional flooded+++magnasport mtx series+++magnasport premium flooded+++magnavolt battery+++marine battery+++marine twin - automotive post & stud+++maxell+++medical device battery+++mobility scooter battery+++motorcycle battery+++mtx series+++noco battery+++noco power sport+++odyssey+++personal water craft battery+++power sport battery+++power wheel chair battery+++rechargeable battery+++relion+++rv battery+++scrubber / floor machine battery+++sealed lead acid (sla) battery+++side terminal+++slt small l-terminal+++snowmobile battery+++solar battery+++st stud terminal+++starting power battery+++t1+++t11+++t12+++t14+++t2+++t3+++t3/t12+++t5+++t5/t6/t12+++t6+++t6/t12+++t6/t14+++t6/t9/t14+++t8+++t8/t11+++t9+++tab-sla-backup+++trojan aes deep cycle agm+++trojan aes solar deep cycle agm+++trojan battery+++trojan battery motive agm series+++ups battery+++ut universal terminal+++utv battery+++wire leads+++wnt wingnut terminal+++
- Flooded Lead Acid Battery
- Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Battery
- Gel Battery
- AGM Battery
- Lithium Battery
- Alkaline Battery
- Coin Cell Battery
- +++1.2v battery+++1.5v battery+++10ah+++12v battery+++140ah+++156ah+++220ah+++24v battery+++2v battery+++36v battery+++3v battery+++48v battery+++6v battery+++8v battery+++9v battery+++aerial work platform / scissor lift battery+++agm battery+++alarm system battery+++alkaline battery+++ap automotive post+++atv battery+++backup power battery+++battery+++car battery+++coin cell battery+++coppertop battery+++cyclon+++deep cycle battery+++deep cycle marine+++dt automotive post & stud+++dual purpose starting & deep cycle marine+++dual terminal - automotive post & side+++duracell+++dwnt dual wingnut terminal+++ehpt embedded high profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile termnal+++emergency lighting battery+++enersys+++eutr+++f2+++flag+++flag terminal+++flooded lead acid battery+++forklift battery+++full throttle+++fullriver+++garden tractor terminal+++gel battery+++golf cart batteries+++gp batteries+++group 1+++group 101+++group 121r+++group 124r+++group 140r+++group 151r+++group 2+++group 22nf+++group 24+++group 24f+++group 25+++group 26+++group 26r+++group 27+++group 27f+++group 30h+++group 31+++group 31a+++group 34+++group 34r+++group 35+++group 36r+++group 3ee+++group 3eh+++group 4+++group 40r+++group 41+++group 42+++group 47+++group 48+++group 49+++group 4d+++group 4dlt+++group 51+++group 51r+++group 58+++group 58r+++group 59+++group 65+++group 6tl+++group 70+++group 75+++group 78+++group 85+++group 86+++group 8d+++group 90+++group 901+++group 902+++group 903+++group 91+++group 92+++group 921+++group 93+++group 94r+++group 95r+++group 96r+++group 99r+++group dim+++group din+++group gc12+++group gc2+++group gc2h+++group gc8+++group gc8h+++group j185+++group j305+++group u1+++group u1r+++heavy duty commercial battery+++j250+++jis pencil post+++l16+++lawn & garden+++lawn & garden battery+++lithium battery+++lt l-terminal+++m10+++m4+++m5+++m6+++m8+++magnacharge+++magnacharge-order+++magnasport+++magnasport advanced performance agm series+++magnasport advanced performance factory activated agm+++magnasport conventional flooded+++magnasport mtx series+++magnasport premium flooded+++magnavolt battery+++marine battery+++marine twin - automotive post & stud+++maxell+++medical device battery+++mobility scooter battery+++motorcycle battery+++mtx series+++noco battery+++noco power sport+++odyssey+++personal water craft battery+++power sport battery+++power wheel chair battery+++rechargeable battery+++relion+++rv battery+++scrubber / floor machine battery+++sealed lead acid (sla) battery+++side terminal+++slt small l-terminal+++snowmobile battery+++solar battery+++st stud terminal+++starting power battery+++t1+++t11+++t12+++t14+++t2+++t3+++t3/t12+++t5+++t5/t6/t12+++t6+++t6/t12+++t6/t14+++t6/t9/t14+++t8+++t8/t11+++t9+++tab-sla-backup+++trojan aes deep cycle agm+++trojan aes solar deep cycle agm+++trojan battery+++trojan battery motive agm series+++ups battery+++ut universal terminal+++utv battery+++wire leads+++wnt wingnut terminal+++
- Magnacharge
- Fullriver
- Trojan Battery
- Relion
- Odyssey
- Noco Battery
- Full Throttle
- Maxell
- Magnavolt Battery
- Magnasport
- GP Batteries
- Duracell
- Cyclon
- +++1.2v battery+++1.5v battery+++10ah+++12v battery+++140ah+++156ah+++220ah+++24v battery+++2v battery+++36v battery+++3v battery+++48v battery+++6v battery+++8v battery+++9v battery+++aerial work platform / scissor lift battery+++agm battery+++alarm system battery+++alkaline battery+++ap automotive post+++atv battery+++backup power battery+++battery+++car battery+++coin cell battery+++coppertop battery+++cyclon+++deep cycle battery+++deep cycle marine+++dt automotive post & stud+++dual purpose starting & deep cycle marine+++dual terminal - automotive post & side+++duracell+++dwnt dual wingnut terminal+++ehpt embedded high profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile terminal+++elpt embedded low profile termnal+++emergency lighting battery+++enersys+++eutr+++f2+++flag+++flag terminal+++flooded lead acid battery+++forklift battery+++full throttle+++fullriver+++garden tractor terminal+++gel battery+++golf cart batteries+++gp batteries+++group 1+++group 101+++group 121r+++group 124r+++group 140r+++group 151r+++group 2+++group 22nf+++group 24+++group 24f+++group 25+++group 26+++group 26r+++group 27+++group 27f+++group 30h+++group 31+++group 31a+++group 34+++group 34r+++group 35+++group 36r+++group 3ee+++group 3eh+++group 4+++group 40r+++group 41+++group 42+++group 47+++group 48+++group 49+++group 4d+++group 4dlt+++group 51+++group 51r+++group 58+++group 58r+++group 59+++group 65+++group 6tl+++group 70+++group 75+++group 78+++group 85+++group 86+++group 8d+++group 90+++group 901+++group 902+++group 903+++group 91+++group 92+++group 921+++group 93+++group 94r+++group 95r+++group 96r+++group 99r+++group dim+++group din+++group gc12+++group gc2+++group gc2h+++group gc8+++group gc8h+++group j185+++group j305+++group u1+++group u1r+++heavy duty commercial battery+++j250+++jis pencil post+++l16+++lawn & garden+++lawn & garden battery+++lithium battery+++lt l-terminal+++m10+++m4+++m5+++m6+++m8+++magnacharge+++magnacharge-order+++magnasport+++magnasport advanced performance agm series+++magnasport advanced performance factory activated agm+++magnasport conventional flooded+++magnasport mtx series+++magnasport premium flooded+++magnavolt battery+++marine battery+++marine twin - automotive post & stud+++maxell+++medical device battery+++mobility scooter battery+++motorcycle battery+++mtx series+++noco battery+++noco power sport+++odyssey+++personal water craft battery+++power sport battery+++power wheel chair battery+++rechargeable battery+++relion+++rv battery+++scrubber / floor machine battery+++sealed lead acid (sla) battery+++side terminal+++slt small l-terminal+++snowmobile battery+++solar battery+++st stud terminal+++starting power battery+++t1+++t11+++t12+++t14+++t2+++t3+++t3/t12+++t5+++t5/t6/t12+++t6+++t6/t12+++t6/t14+++t6/t9/t14+++t8+++t8/t11+++t9+++tab-sla-backup+++trojan aes deep cycle agm+++trojan aes solar deep cycle agm+++trojan battery+++trojan battery motive agm series+++ups battery+++ut universal terminal+++utv battery+++wire leads+++wnt wingnut terminal+++
- AP Automotive Post
- JIS Pencil Post
- DT Automotive Post & Stud
- Marine Twin - Automotive Post & Stud
- Dual Terminal - Automotive Post & Side
- ST Stud Terminal
- M4
- M6
- M8
- M10
- Side Terminal
- Garden Tractor Terminal
- UT Universal Terminal
- WNT Wingnut Terminal
- DWNT Dual Wingnut Terminal
- ELPT Embedded Low Profile Terminal
- EHPT Embedded High Profile Terminal
- SLT Small L-Terminal
- LT L-Terminal
- FLAG Terminal
- Wire Leads
- T1
- T2
- T3
- T5
- T6
- T8
- T11
- T12
- T14
- T9
- T6/T12
- T8/T11
- T6/T14
- T6/T9/T14
- T5/T6/T12
Find a Battery Today and Save
A complete selection of over 500 batteries for all of your power needs. Find the right fit and choose from a variety of voltages, applications, group sizes, chemistries and industry-leading battery brands such as Trojan and Magnacharge. Shop online and find a battery Canada wide.
Group Size: GC12
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 150 AH
Capacity @ 25A: 280 min.
Terminal Types: Embedded Low Profile Terminal & Embedded High Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 13.95 x 7.13 x 11.14 (354 x 181 x 283)
Weight lb. (kg): 84 (38)
Group Size: GC2H
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 260 AH
Capacity @ 25A: 530 min.
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200
Terminal Type: Embedded Low Profile Terminal - 5/16"
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.30 x 7.13 x 11.91 (262 x 181 x 303)
Weight lb. (kg): 72 (33)
Warranty: 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty
Group Size: GC8
Voltage: 8V
AH @ 20hr: 190 AH
Capacity @ 25A: 340 min.
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200
Terminal Type: Embedded Low Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.27 x 7.10 x 11.14 (261 x 180 x 283)
Weight lb. (kg): 69 (31)
Warranty: 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty
Group Size: 901
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 235 AH
Capacity @ 25A: 475 min.
Terminal Types: Universal Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 12.17 x 6.85 x 11.43 (309 x 174 x 290)
Weight lb. (kg): 67 (30)
Group Size: 901
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 250 AH
Capacity @ 25A: 530 min.
Terminal Types: Automotive Post & Stud Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 11.66 x 6.94 x 11.54 (296 x 176 x 293)
Weight lb. (kg): 72 (33)
SCS200 12V Marine & RV Line Flooded Battery Group 27 | 620 CCA
Group Size: 27
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 115 AH
Cold Cranking Amps (CCA): 620
Terminal Types: Dual Wingnut Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 12.80 x 6.73 x 9.80 (324 x 171 x 248)
Weight lb. (kg): 60 (27)
SPRE 12 225 12V Solar Premium Line Flooded Battery | 204AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 204 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.70 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Automotive Post & Stud Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 14.97 x 6.91 x 14.71 (380 x 176 x 374)
Weight lb. (kg): 132 (60)
SPRE 02 1255 2V Solar Premium Line Flooded Battery | 1130AH
AH @ 20hr: 1130 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.51 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: L-Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 11.66 x 6.94 x 17.55 (296 x 176 x 446)
Weight lb. (kg): 119 (54)
SPRE 06 415 6V Solar Premium Line Flooded Battery | 377AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 377 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.50 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: L-Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 11.66 x 6.94 x 17.55 (296 x 176 x 446)
Weight lb. (kg): 118 (54)
SPRE 06 255 6V Solar Premium Line Flooded Battery | 229AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 229 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.53 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Small L-Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.30 x 7.13 x 11.74 (262 x 181 x 298)
Weight lb. (kg): 67 (30)
SSIG 12 95 12V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 87AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 87 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.14 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 600 Cycles
Terminal Types: Universal Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.92 x 6.62 x 9.25 (277 x 168 x 235)
Weight lb. (kg): 47 (21)
SSIG 12 255 12V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 229AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 229 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 3.06 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Embedded Low Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 14.97 x 6.91 x 14.67 (380 x 176 x 373)
Weight lb. (kg): 123 (56)
SSIG 12 230 12V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 209AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 209 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.76 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Automotive Post & Stud Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 14.97 x 6.91 x 14.67 (380 x 176 x 373)
Weight lb. (kg): 114 (52)
SSIG 12 170 12V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 153AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 153 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.04 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Embedded Low Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 13.95 x 7.13 x 10.71 (354 x 181 x 272)
Weight lb. (kg): 84 (38)
SSIG 12 145 12V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 132AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 132 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.74 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 600 Cycles
Terminal Types: Wingnut Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 13.94 x 6.75 x 10.09 (354 x 171 x 256)
Weight lb. (kg): 66 (30)
SSIG 12 120 12V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 107AH
Voltage: 12V
AH @ 20hr: 107 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.44 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 600 Cycles
Terminal Types: Wingnut Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 12.84 x 6.60 x 9.74 (326 x 168 x 247)
Weight lb. (kg): 55 (25)
SSIG 06 490 6V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 443AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 443 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.94 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: L-Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 11.66 x 6.94 x 17.55 (296 x 176 x 446)
Weight lb. (kg): 125 (57)
SSIG 06 475 6V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 428AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 428 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.85 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: L-Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 11.66 x 6.94 x 17.55 (296 x 176 x 446)
Weight lb. (kg): 114 (52)
SSIG 06 405 6V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 366AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 366 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 2.43 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Automotive Post & Stud Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 11.66 x 6.94 x 14.37 (296 x 176 x 365)
Weight lb. (kg): 98 (44)
SSIG 06 290 6V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 265AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 265 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.74 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Embedded Low Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.30 x 7.13 x 11.48 (262 x 181 x 291)
Weight lb. (kg): 72 (33)
SSIG 06 255 6V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 229AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 229 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.53 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Embedded Low Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.30 x 7.13 x 10.74 (262 x 181 x 273)
Weight lb. (kg): 62 (28)
SSIG 06 235 6V Solar Signature Line Flooded Battery | 214AH
Voltage: 6V
AH @ 20hr: 214 AH
Energy @ 20hr: 1.42 kWh
Cycles @ 50% DOD: 1200 Cycles
Terminal Types: Embedded Low Profile Terminal
Dimensions in. (mm): 10.30 x 7.13 x 10.74 (262 x 181 x 273)
Weight lb. (kg): 58 (26)
Group Size: 3EH
Voltage: 6V
CCA @ -17.8°C: 800
CCA @ 0°C: 1000
R/C @ 25A: 240
Terminal Types: Top SAE
Dimensions (in): 19 1/8 x 4 3/8 x 9 4/5
Group Size: 2
Voltage: 6V
CCA @ -17.8°C: 650
CCA @ 0°C: 800
R/C @ 25A: 175
Terminal Types: Top SAE
Dimensions (in): 10 3/8 x 7 1/8 x 9 3/8
Voltage: 12V
CCA @ -17.8°C: 800
CCA @ 0°C: 1000
R/C @ 25A: 260
Terminal Types: Top SAE
Dimensions (in): 20 x 7 x 8 1/2
Group Size: 8D
Voltage: 12V
CCA @ -17.8°C: 1300
CCA @ 0°C: 1625
R/C @ 25A: 450
Terminal Types: Top SAE
Dimensions (in): 20 3/4 x 11 1/8 x 9 7/8
Warranty: 18 Month Regular & Commercial Warranty
Group Size: 8D
Voltage: 12V
CCA @ -17.8°C: 1100
CCA @ 0°C: 1320
R/C @ 25A: 370
Terminal Types: Top SAE
Dimensions (in): 20 3/4 x 11 1/8 x 9 7/8
Group Size: 31A
Voltage: 12V
CCA @ -17.8°C: 700
CCA @ 0°C: 875
R/C @ 25A: 150
Terminal Types: Top Threaded
Dimensions (in): 13 x 6 4/5 x 9 3/8